The tourism sector has been significantly impacted by the pandemic, underlining the pressing needs for accelerated digitisation in this sector. According to reports, a significant percentage of the tourism workforce has low-level qualifications, making them one of the most under-skilled populations in the European Union.
To address the needs for digitisation and to increase the competences of the workforce, it is important to explore strategies for mitigating the expenses associated with digitalisation and providing staff training.
The Digi-Tour-Skills project focuses on identifying the gaps within the tourism sector, digitalising it and offering digital training through webinars and practical case studies to increase the knowledge on the topic of:
– adult learners
– tourism SMEs
– DMOs
– tourism agencies.
Besides these, the project aims to contribute to the daily lives of European Union residents with improved and sustainable operations in the tourism sector.
The project results consist of webinars to upscale the digital skills in the tourism sector, a digital skills handbook serving as a guide to users for effectively using the digital platform and practical case studies showcased through a user-friendly digital platform that will bring theoretical information to the practical world with engaging resources.
Website: https://digitourskills.eu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560868200326
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/digi-tour-skills/

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Patras, Greece

Thessaloniki, Greece

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